Free RAM means faster, more stable computing;but Windows memory management is not adequate, and often there is nofree RAM available. RamPup solves the problem by freeing RAM when youneed it, or every two minutes if set to Auto. You choose how much RAM tofree. If you have less than 200 MB of RAM you'll see an immediateimprovement in speed and stability. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 527Kb.
Finds for the Weekend
1. Pixel Toolbox
In my last newsletter I reviewed PicSizer, a batch utility thatresizes images for use on the web and in email. Pixel Toolbox comesfrom the same software house and has the same quality of excellence.It is a complete tool to design and create patterns, wallpaper tiles,icons, and cursors for Windows, providing a range of editing toolsplus options like warping, gradients, selective fill, and added text.Create icons from 16x16 to 64x64, or 1 bit patterns, color patternsand cursors. The workspace is automatically customized for the job youare doing. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 3.57MB. Free. Found athttp://www.tudogs.com/graphic_software3.php
2. DarkAdapted
Once upon a time, a long time ago, monitors had controls that allowedone to change the green, blue, and red content on the screen as wellas brightness and contrast. DarkAdapted is software that does it and awhole heap more to give you the ideal screen image for yourenvironment. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Mac System 8.1 or later.Free. 1.1MB. Found at http://www.tudogs.com/windows1.php
3. The Terrorism Research Center
The ugliness of terrorism, it seems, may be with us for many years.This site keeps us informed. I repeat below their site description:Founded in 1996, the Terrorism Research Center, Inc. is anindependent institute dedicated to the research of terrorism,information warfare and security, critical infrastructure protection,homeland security, and other issues of low-intensity politicalviolence and gray-area phenomena. The TRC represents a new generationof terrorism and security analysis, combining expertise withtechnology to maximize the scope, depth and impact of our research forpractical implementation. Found at
Mach5 Mailer.
Take the bulk out of email and sendpersonal, customized messages to your customers and suppliers, selectedfrom virtually any database. http://www.tudogs.com/m5mail.php
Friday, September 05, 2003
Monday, September 01, 2003
SupaClip , Ascii Character Map
Without doubt, this brilliantsoftware just gets better and better. For business and home drawing.Ideal for flowcharts, diagrams, flyers, and presentations. 'BestBusiness Program' PC Magazine. Free Download. Found at
TuDogs Finds
1. Ascii Character Map
ASCII, the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is astandard seven-bit code finalised in 1968. For all versions of ASCIIcode the first 128 slots (0 to 127) are identical. The extended ASCII,codes 128 to 255, vary. A little known feature of Windows is that allthe ASCII symbols may be generated by holding down the Alt key andentering the ASCII number on the number pad. It must be on the numberpad, not on the number line above the typewriter keyboard. Thus, forexample, Alt+156 generates the £ symbol. Alt+157 the ¥, Alt+14 the ö,Alt+230 the µ. You'll find the number associated with the symbol onthe Keyboard map. There's a Windows map for application developers -who will be interested in control characters as well as specialcharacters. I developed this as a developer tool and added theKeyboard map for general use. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 557Kb.Free. Found at
2. PicSizer
A batch utility that resizes images for use on the web and in email.It was designed with owners of digital cameras in mind, but it canalso be very useful for designers and other people who work withimages on a daily basis. It's the perfect tool for quickly generatingscreen-friendly versions of your images at dramatically reduced filesizes, and it's easy to use. PicSizer saves in JPEG format at any sizebetween 64 and 1024 pixels, and reads files in .bmp, .jpg, .gif, .png,.tga, and .tif RGB formats. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 2.55MB.Found at http://www.tudogs.com/graphic_software3.php
3. Ultimate Boot CD
When your PC crashes a floppy emergency boot disk is a miserablesolution compared with an Ultimate Boot CD, packed with diagnostictools. After you download this heavyweight tool you'll need a CDburner to create your Boot CD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free.18.6MB. Found at http://www.tudogs.com/windows7.php
A text clipboard manager that ensuresyou'll never have to type a piece of oft-used text twice. With itscategory storage and rapid retrieval capability you'll have every pieceof required text at your fingertips. Try it. You'll like it. Windows95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 735Kb. http://www.hi5software.com/supaclip.php
Without doubt, this brilliantsoftware just gets better and better. For business and home drawing.Ideal for flowcharts, diagrams, flyers, and presentations. 'BestBusiness Program' PC Magazine. Free Download. Found at
TuDogs Finds
1. Ascii Character Map
ASCII, the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is astandard seven-bit code finalised in 1968. For all versions of ASCIIcode the first 128 slots (0 to 127) are identical. The extended ASCII,codes 128 to 255, vary. A little known feature of Windows is that allthe ASCII symbols may be generated by holding down the Alt key andentering the ASCII number on the number pad. It must be on the numberpad, not on the number line above the typewriter keyboard. Thus, forexample, Alt+156 generates the £ symbol. Alt+157 the ¥, Alt+14 the ö,Alt+230 the µ. You'll find the number associated with the symbol onthe Keyboard map. There's a Windows map for application developers -who will be interested in control characters as well as specialcharacters. I developed this as a developer tool and added theKeyboard map for general use. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 557Kb.Free. Found at
2. PicSizer
A batch utility that resizes images for use on the web and in email.It was designed with owners of digital cameras in mind, but it canalso be very useful for designers and other people who work withimages on a daily basis. It's the perfect tool for quickly generatingscreen-friendly versions of your images at dramatically reduced filesizes, and it's easy to use. PicSizer saves in JPEG format at any sizebetween 64 and 1024 pixels, and reads files in .bmp, .jpg, .gif, .png,.tga, and .tif RGB formats. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 2.55MB.Found at http://www.tudogs.com/graphic_software3.php
3. Ultimate Boot CD
When your PC crashes a floppy emergency boot disk is a miserablesolution compared with an Ultimate Boot CD, packed with diagnostictools. After you download this heavyweight tool you'll need a CDburner to create your Boot CD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free.18.6MB. Found at http://www.tudogs.com/windows7.php
A text clipboard manager that ensuresyou'll never have to type a piece of oft-used text twice. With itscategory storage and rapid retrieval capability you'll have every pieceof required text at your fingertips. Try it. You'll like it. Windows95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 735Kb. http://www.hi5software.com/supaclip.php
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