Free RAM means faster, more stable computing;but Windows memory management is not adequate, and often there is nofree RAM available. RamPup solves the problem by freeing RAM when youneed it, or every two minutes if set to Auto. You choose how much RAM tofree. If you have less than 200 MB of RAM you'll see an immediateimprovement in speed and stability. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 527Kb.
Finds for the Weekend
1. Pixel Toolbox
In my last newsletter I reviewed PicSizer, a batch utility thatresizes images for use on the web and in email. Pixel Toolbox comesfrom the same software house and has the same quality of excellence.It is a complete tool to design and create patterns, wallpaper tiles,icons, and cursors for Windows, providing a range of editing toolsplus options like warping, gradients, selective fill, and added text.Create icons from 16x16 to 64x64, or 1 bit patterns, color patternsand cursors. The workspace is automatically customized for the job youare doing. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 3.57MB. Free. Found athttp://www.tudogs.com/graphic_software3.php
2. DarkAdapted
Once upon a time, a long time ago, monitors had controls that allowedone to change the green, blue, and red content on the screen as wellas brightness and contrast. DarkAdapted is software that does it and awhole heap more to give you the ideal screen image for yourenvironment. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Mac System 8.1 or later.Free. 1.1MB. Found at http://www.tudogs.com/windows1.php
3. The Terrorism Research Center
The ugliness of terrorism, it seems, may be with us for many years.This site keeps us informed. I repeat below their site description:Founded in 1996, the Terrorism Research Center, Inc. is anindependent institute dedicated to the research of terrorism,information warfare and security, critical infrastructure protection,homeland security, and other issues of low-intensity politicalviolence and gray-area phenomena. The TRC represents a new generationof terrorism and security analysis, combining expertise withtechnology to maximize the scope, depth and impact of our research forpractical implementation. Found at
Mach5 Mailer.
Take the bulk out of email and sendpersonal, customized messages to your customers and suppliers, selectedfrom virtually any database. http://www.tudogs.com/m5mail.php
Friday, September 05, 2003
Monday, September 01, 2003
SupaClip , Ascii Character Map
Without doubt, this brilliantsoftware just gets better and better. For business and home drawing.Ideal for flowcharts, diagrams, flyers, and presentations. 'BestBusiness Program' PC Magazine. Free Download. Found at
TuDogs Finds
1. Ascii Character Map
ASCII, the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is astandard seven-bit code finalised in 1968. For all versions of ASCIIcode the first 128 slots (0 to 127) are identical. The extended ASCII,codes 128 to 255, vary. A little known feature of Windows is that allthe ASCII symbols may be generated by holding down the Alt key andentering the ASCII number on the number pad. It must be on the numberpad, not on the number line above the typewriter keyboard. Thus, forexample, Alt+156 generates the £ symbol. Alt+157 the ¥, Alt+14 the ö,Alt+230 the µ. You'll find the number associated with the symbol onthe Keyboard map. There's a Windows map for application developers -who will be interested in control characters as well as specialcharacters. I developed this as a developer tool and added theKeyboard map for general use. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 557Kb.Free. Found at
2. PicSizer
A batch utility that resizes images for use on the web and in email.It was designed with owners of digital cameras in mind, but it canalso be very useful for designers and other people who work withimages on a daily basis. It's the perfect tool for quickly generatingscreen-friendly versions of your images at dramatically reduced filesizes, and it's easy to use. PicSizer saves in JPEG format at any sizebetween 64 and 1024 pixels, and reads files in .bmp, .jpg, .gif, .png,.tga, and .tif RGB formats. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 2.55MB.Found at http://www.tudogs.com/graphic_software3.php
3. Ultimate Boot CD
When your PC crashes a floppy emergency boot disk is a miserablesolution compared with an Ultimate Boot CD, packed with diagnostictools. After you download this heavyweight tool you'll need a CDburner to create your Boot CD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free.18.6MB. Found at http://www.tudogs.com/windows7.php
A text clipboard manager that ensuresyou'll never have to type a piece of oft-used text twice. With itscategory storage and rapid retrieval capability you'll have every pieceof required text at your fingertips. Try it. You'll like it. Windows95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 735Kb. http://www.hi5software.com/supaclip.php
Without doubt, this brilliantsoftware just gets better and better. For business and home drawing.Ideal for flowcharts, diagrams, flyers, and presentations. 'BestBusiness Program' PC Magazine. Free Download. Found at
TuDogs Finds
1. Ascii Character Map
ASCII, the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is astandard seven-bit code finalised in 1968. For all versions of ASCIIcode the first 128 slots (0 to 127) are identical. The extended ASCII,codes 128 to 255, vary. A little known feature of Windows is that allthe ASCII symbols may be generated by holding down the Alt key andentering the ASCII number on the number pad. It must be on the numberpad, not on the number line above the typewriter keyboard. Thus, forexample, Alt+156 generates the £ symbol. Alt+157 the ¥, Alt+14 the ö,Alt+230 the µ. You'll find the number associated with the symbol onthe Keyboard map. There's a Windows map for application developers -who will be interested in control characters as well as specialcharacters. I developed this as a developer tool and added theKeyboard map for general use. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 557Kb.Free. Found at
2. PicSizer
A batch utility that resizes images for use on the web and in email.It was designed with owners of digital cameras in mind, but it canalso be very useful for designers and other people who work withimages on a daily basis. It's the perfect tool for quickly generatingscreen-friendly versions of your images at dramatically reduced filesizes, and it's easy to use. PicSizer saves in JPEG format at any sizebetween 64 and 1024 pixels, and reads files in .bmp, .jpg, .gif, .png,.tga, and .tif RGB formats. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 2.55MB.Found at http://www.tudogs.com/graphic_software3.php
3. Ultimate Boot CD
When your PC crashes a floppy emergency boot disk is a miserablesolution compared with an Ultimate Boot CD, packed with diagnostictools. After you download this heavyweight tool you'll need a CDburner to create your Boot CD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free.18.6MB. Found at http://www.tudogs.com/windows7.php
A text clipboard manager that ensuresyou'll never have to type a piece of oft-used text twice. With itscategory storage and rapid retrieval capability you'll have every pieceof required text at your fingertips. Try it. You'll like it. Windows95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 735Kb. http://www.hi5software.com/supaclip.php
Friday, August 29, 2003
Lorum Ipsum
Free RAM means faster, more stable computing;but Windows memory management is not adequate, and often there is nofree RAM available. RamPup solves the problem by freeing RAM when youneed it, or every two minutes if set to Auto. You choose how much RAM tofree. If you have less than 200 MB of RAM you'll see an immediateimprovement in speed and stability. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 527Kb.
TuDogs Finds
1. Lorum Ipsum
For more than 400 years typesetters have used latin text in layouts,to block off an area that will be filled later with copy. Used also byadvertising layout artists and more recently by Web site designers.The passage used dates back to Cicero, 45 BC, and begins with Loremipsum dolor sit amet... so is called Lorum Ipsum, often abreviated toLipsum. This Web site tells one everything about Lorum Ipsum and willgenerate as much lipsum as one might wish, in paragraphs, words, bytesor lists. Found at
2. LeechGet
Designed as a fast, comfortable and powerful download manager. Entirelyfree with no ads. I've recently switched to LeechGet and am very happywith performance. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 2.2MB. Found at
3. StatBar
A system status bar that provides a handy, orderly overview of yoursystem's condition. StatBar comes with 6 different color schemes and 19information modules, allowing you to monitor and control various aspectsof your system. This includes memory, CPU and disk usages, systemuptime, Winamp control, network throughput, Internet timesynchronization, and more. It features a built-in update check as well,which can download and install the latest version for you. Windows95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 1.65MB. Found athttp://www.tudogs.com/windows6.php
Mach5 Analyzer.
The fastest Web log analysissoftware available. Version 3 features the dynamic new HyperLinkTreeView, giving you an intuitive feel for your site traffic.Comprehensive, detailed visitor and session stats included.
Free RAM means faster, more stable computing;but Windows memory management is not adequate, and often there is nofree RAM available. RamPup solves the problem by freeing RAM when youneed it, or every two minutes if set to Auto. You choose how much RAM tofree. If you have less than 200 MB of RAM you'll see an immediateimprovement in speed and stability. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 527Kb.
TuDogs Finds
1. Lorum Ipsum
For more than 400 years typesetters have used latin text in layouts,to block off an area that will be filled later with copy. Used also byadvertising layout artists and more recently by Web site designers.The passage used dates back to Cicero, 45 BC, and begins with Loremipsum dolor sit amet... so is called Lorum Ipsum, often abreviated toLipsum. This Web site tells one everything about Lorum Ipsum and willgenerate as much lipsum as one might wish, in paragraphs, words, bytesor lists. Found at
2. LeechGet
Designed as a fast, comfortable and powerful download manager. Entirelyfree with no ads. I've recently switched to LeechGet and am very happywith performance. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 2.2MB. Found at
3. StatBar
A system status bar that provides a handy, orderly overview of yoursystem's condition. StatBar comes with 6 different color schemes and 19information modules, allowing you to monitor and control various aspectsof your system. This includes memory, CPU and disk usages, systemuptime, Winamp control, network throughput, Internet timesynchronization, and more. It features a built-in update check as well,which can download and install the latest version for you. Windows95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 1.65MB. Found athttp://www.tudogs.com/windows6.php
Mach5 Analyzer.
The fastest Web log analysissoftware available. Version 3 features the dynamic new HyperLinkTreeView, giving you an intuitive feel for your site traffic.Comprehensive, detailed visitor and session stats included.
Sunday, August 24, 2003
Without doubt, this brilliant
software just gets better and better. For business and home drawing.
Ideal for flowcharts, diagrams, flyers, and presentations. 'Best
Business Program' PC Magazine. Free Download. Found at
TuDogs Finds
1. Sobig.F Virus - Complete Removal Tool
W32.Sobig.F@mm is a mass-mailing, network-aware worm that sends itself
to all the email addresses it finds in files that have the following
extensions: .dbx .eml .hlp .htm .html .mht .wab .txt. The worm uses
its own SMTP engine to propagate and attempts to create a copy of
itself on accessible network shares, but fails due to bugs in the
The email message has the following characteristics: From:
Spoofed address - which means that the sender in the From: field is
most likely not the real sender. The worm may also use the address
admin@internet.com as the sender. The spoofed addresses and the Send
To: addresses are both taken from the files found on the computer.
Also, the worm may use the infected computer's settings to check for
an SMTP server to contact. Proliferated emails have one of the
following as their subject: Re: Details, Re: Approved, Re: Re: My
details, Re: Thank you!, Re: That movie, Re: Wicked screensaver, Re:
Your application, Thank you!, Your details.
Sobig.f copies itself as %Windir%\winppr32.exe. %Windir% is a
variable. The worm locates the Windows installation folder - by
default, this is C:\Windows or C:\Winnt - and copies itself to that
location. It creates the file, %Windir%\winstt32.dat., adds the value:
TrayX=%Windir%\winppr32.exe /sinc to the registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run so
that the worm runs when you start Windows. It adds the value:
TrayX=%Windir%\winppr32.exe /sinc to the registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run so
that the worm runs when you start Windows. It enumerates any network
shares to which the infected computer has write access. It uses
standard Windows APIs to do this.
Sobig.F can download arbitrary files to an infected computer and
execute them. The author of the worm has used this functionality to
steal confidential system information and to set up spam relay servers
on infected computers.
The worm is set to expire on September 10th., and should be over
thereafter. In the meantime, even if your regular anti-virus software
has removed discovered virus files, one should run this tool as an
extra precaution. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 172Kb. Found at
2. Password Corral
An effective Password Manager/Protector with strong encryption for
unbreakable security. Even if you are invaded by intrusive software
searching for your passwords, you will not be in danger. Password
Corral uses the 128-bit Diamond2 Block Cipher to encrypt all the
information you store in the program, keeping it safe from prying
eyes. Each password can have both a short description and a long
description which can also contain hyperlinks to launch your web
browser, open folders on your PC or launch applications. Each password
entry can also have an expiration date to remind you to change the
password. The program can be set to time out to the Windows system
tray area after a specified period of system inactivity and be
protected by your master password, so even if you forget to close
Password Corral and walk away from your PC, your password info can
still be protected. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 702Kb. Found at
3. NewsReaders
There are millions of internet users who haven't discovered
newsgroups. This is the site where you'll find out all you might ever
want to know about using news groups. Includes tutorials. Found at
Spyware Nuker.
Have you ever downloaded music
online? When you surf online, do you get pop up ads? If so, there's a
94% chance your PC is infected with potentially harmful SpyWare! Click
Here to scan your PC now. The scan is free. Then you decide if you
want to buy. Found at http://www.tudogs.com/sponsors/spynuker.php
Without doubt, this brilliant
software just gets better and better. For business and home drawing.
Ideal for flowcharts, diagrams, flyers, and presentations. 'Best
Business Program' PC Magazine. Free Download. Found at
TuDogs Finds
1. Sobig.F Virus - Complete Removal Tool
W32.Sobig.F@mm is a mass-mailing, network-aware worm that sends itself
to all the email addresses it finds in files that have the following
extensions: .dbx .eml .hlp .htm .html .mht .wab .txt. The worm uses
its own SMTP engine to propagate and attempts to create a copy of
itself on accessible network shares, but fails due to bugs in the
The email message has the following characteristics: From:
Spoofed address - which means that the sender in the From: field is
most likely not the real sender. The worm may also use the address
admin@internet.com as the sender. The spoofed addresses and the Send
To: addresses are both taken from the files found on the computer.
Also, the worm may use the infected computer's settings to check for
an SMTP server to contact. Proliferated emails have one of the
following as their subject: Re: Details, Re: Approved, Re: Re: My
details, Re: Thank you!, Re: That movie, Re: Wicked screensaver, Re:
Your application, Thank you!, Your details.
Sobig.f copies itself as %Windir%\winppr32.exe. %Windir% is a
variable. The worm locates the Windows installation folder - by
default, this is C:\Windows or C:\Winnt - and copies itself to that
location. It creates the file, %Windir%\winstt32.dat., adds the value:
TrayX=%Windir%\winppr32.exe /sinc to the registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run so
that the worm runs when you start Windows. It adds the value:
TrayX=%Windir%\winppr32.exe /sinc to the registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run so
that the worm runs when you start Windows. It enumerates any network
shares to which the infected computer has write access. It uses
standard Windows APIs to do this.
Sobig.F can download arbitrary files to an infected computer and
execute them. The author of the worm has used this functionality to
steal confidential system information and to set up spam relay servers
on infected computers.
The worm is set to expire on September 10th., and should be over
thereafter. In the meantime, even if your regular anti-virus software
has removed discovered virus files, one should run this tool as an
extra precaution. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 172Kb. Found at
2. Password Corral
An effective Password Manager/Protector with strong encryption for
unbreakable security. Even if you are invaded by intrusive software
searching for your passwords, you will not be in danger. Password
Corral uses the 128-bit Diamond2 Block Cipher to encrypt all the
information you store in the program, keeping it safe from prying
eyes. Each password can have both a short description and a long
description which can also contain hyperlinks to launch your web
browser, open folders on your PC or launch applications. Each password
entry can also have an expiration date to remind you to change the
password. The program can be set to time out to the Windows system
tray area after a specified period of system inactivity and be
protected by your master password, so even if you forget to close
Password Corral and walk away from your PC, your password info can
still be protected. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 702Kb. Found at
3. NewsReaders
There are millions of internet users who haven't discovered
newsgroups. This is the site where you'll find out all you might ever
want to know about using news groups. Includes tutorials. Found at
Spyware Nuker.
Have you ever downloaded music
online? When you surf online, do you get pop up ads? If so, there's a
94% chance your PC is infected with potentially harmful SpyWare! Click
Here to scan your PC now. The scan is free. Then you decide if you
want to buy. Found at http://www.tudogs.com/sponsors/spynuker.php
Friday, August 22, 2003
Address Flipper
A text clipboard manager that ensuresyou'll never have to type a piece of oft-used text twice. With itscategory storage and rapid retrieval capability you'll have everypiece of required text at your fingertips. Try it. You'll like it.Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 735Kb.
Recent Finds
1. Wurdz
A stand-alone text analysis tool that examines a written document anddisplays document statistics. Either type text directly into theprogram, open a file, or paste from your clipboard to begin. See thefrequency of words used, the word count, character count, unique words,percentage of unique words in a document. The output may be saved andimported into a spreadsheet application for further analysis.Particularly useful for professional writers. Windows95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 2.43MB. Found athttp://www.tudogs.com/windows7.php
2. Address Flipper
An address book with space for both a real name and an internet alias.Simple and useful. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 720Kb. Found athttp://www.tudogs.com/windows.php
3. Patience Pack
60 patience games to while away a few idle hours. Includes Accordion,Baroness, Black Hole, Calculation, Canfield etc. Windows98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 300Kb. Found athttp://www.tudogs.com/card.php
Mach5 Analyzer.
The fastest Web log analysissoftware available. Version 3 features the dynamic new HyperLinkTreeView, giving you an intuitive feel for your site traffic.Comprehensive, detailed visitor and session stats included.
A text clipboard manager that ensuresyou'll never have to type a piece of oft-used text twice. With itscategory storage and rapid retrieval capability you'll have everypiece of required text at your fingertips. Try it. You'll like it.Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 735Kb.
Recent Finds
1. Wurdz
A stand-alone text analysis tool that examines a written document anddisplays document statistics. Either type text directly into theprogram, open a file, or paste from your clipboard to begin. See thefrequency of words used, the word count, character count, unique words,percentage of unique words in a document. The output may be saved andimported into a spreadsheet application for further analysis.Particularly useful for professional writers. Windows95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 2.43MB. Found athttp://www.tudogs.com/windows7.php
2. Address Flipper
An address book with space for both a real name and an internet alias.Simple and useful. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 720Kb. Found athttp://www.tudogs.com/windows.php
3. Patience Pack
60 patience games to while away a few idle hours. Includes Accordion,Baroness, Black Hole, Calculation, Canfield etc. Windows98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 300Kb. Found athttp://www.tudogs.com/card.php
Mach5 Analyzer.
The fastest Web log analysissoftware available. Version 3 features the dynamic new HyperLinkTreeView, giving you an intuitive feel for your site traffic.Comprehensive, detailed visitor and session stats included.
Monday, August 18, 2003
The Regex Coach
Free RAM means faster, more stable computing;but Windows memory management is not adequate, and often there is nofree RAM available. RamPup solves the problem by freeing RAM when youneed it, or every two minutes if set to Auto. You choose how much RAM tofree. If you have less than 200 MB of RAM you'll see an immediateimprovement in speed and stability. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 527Kb.
Recent Finds
1. IE Privacy Keeper
Automatically cleans up after surfing. You select which of thefollowing deletions you want: Internet URL History; Typed URLs;Temporary Internet Files; Cookies; Recent Documents; Auto-completeForms History; Auto-complete Passwords History; Favorites; WindowsTemporary Files; Recycle Bin. Needs Internet Explorer and Windows95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 394Kb. Found athttp://www.tudogs.com/surftools2.php
2. Roppers/Powercons
A small download but gives IE 5 or later users more control over theirbrowser. It's a tool that drops down from the IE toolbar and allowsone to: enlarge, reduce, or change the font style; page to black &white; toggle window size between 800x600 and 1024x768; and many otheruseful tools like unframing and preventing page closing events such aspop-ups. This is a useful tool but development is in an early stageand it's not for novice users. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free.90Kb. Found at http://www.tudogs.com/surftools4.php
3. The Regex Coach
If you write scripts in Perl, PHP, or Javascript you should know allabout Regular Expressions and how to use them - well here's anapplication that will leave you as an expert in their use. Clear andthorough coaching on how to use them. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP or Linux.Free. 2.2MB. Found at http://www.tudogs.com/programming.php
Mach5 Mailer.
Take the bulk out of email and sendpersonal, customized messages to your customers and suppliers, selectedfrom virtually any database.
Free RAM means faster, more stable computing;but Windows memory management is not adequate, and often there is nofree RAM available. RamPup solves the problem by freeing RAM when youneed it, or every two minutes if set to Auto. You choose how much RAM tofree. If you have less than 200 MB of RAM you'll see an immediateimprovement in speed and stability. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 527Kb.
Recent Finds
1. IE Privacy Keeper
Automatically cleans up after surfing. You select which of thefollowing deletions you want: Internet URL History; Typed URLs;Temporary Internet Files; Cookies; Recent Documents; Auto-completeForms History; Auto-complete Passwords History; Favorites; WindowsTemporary Files; Recycle Bin. Needs Internet Explorer and Windows95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 394Kb. Found athttp://www.tudogs.com/surftools2.php
2. Roppers/Powercons
A small download but gives IE 5 or later users more control over theirbrowser. It's a tool that drops down from the IE toolbar and allowsone to: enlarge, reduce, or change the font style; page to black &white; toggle window size between 800x600 and 1024x768; and many otheruseful tools like unframing and preventing page closing events such aspop-ups. This is a useful tool but development is in an early stageand it's not for novice users. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free.90Kb. Found at http://www.tudogs.com/surftools4.php
3. The Regex Coach
If you write scripts in Perl, PHP, or Javascript you should know allabout Regular Expressions and how to use them - well here's anapplication that will leave you as an expert in their use. Clear andthorough coaching on how to use them. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP or Linux.Free. 2.2MB. Found at http://www.tudogs.com/programming.php
Mach5 Mailer.
Take the bulk out of email and sendpersonal, customized messages to your customers and suppliers, selectedfrom virtually any database.
Thursday, August 14, 2003
A few key search engines generate over 90%of search engine traffic, but to succeed you must submit URLs by hand;automatic submission is a poor substitute. Senge, a specialist browserwith pre-coded URLs, solves the problem allowing rapid hand submissionto the top search engines; and you can add your own favorites. Foundat
Recent Finds
1. 16 Best Ever Freeware Utilities
It's always a pleasure to find a free utility that does thesame thing or better than an expensive commercial product.Check out this free listing of The 16 Best-ever FreewareUtilities compiled by Gizmo Richards at Support Alert. Excellent!Found at
2. The Other Side of the Low Fat CoinRecently
I featured a Web Site with conventional views on nutritionand health, and a recipe site with thousands of low-fat vegetarianmeals. Here's one with information that puts a question mark on lowfat theories. It's partially commercial, and will try to sell you onething or another, but it has many useful articles from medicaljournals contradicting conventional wisdom. Found at
3. CapturePad
A video capture utility that captures any screen activity into astandard AVI file, JPG sequence, or Flash SWF file. Also works withany video hardware attached to the computer so you can easily grab andsave a video from your webcam, tv tuner, etc. In Beta. Windows98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 729Kb. Found at
Without doubt, this brilliant softwarejust gets better and better. For business and home drawing. Ideal forflowcharts, diagrams, flyers, and presentations. 'Best BusinessProgram' PC Magazine. Free Download. Found at
A few key search engines generate over 90%of search engine traffic, but to succeed you must submit URLs by hand;automatic submission is a poor substitute. Senge, a specialist browserwith pre-coded URLs, solves the problem allowing rapid hand submissionto the top search engines; and you can add your own favorites. Foundat
Recent Finds
1. 16 Best Ever Freeware Utilities
It's always a pleasure to find a free utility that does thesame thing or better than an expensive commercial product.Check out this free listing of The 16 Best-ever FreewareUtilities compiled by Gizmo Richards at Support Alert. Excellent!Found at
2. The Other Side of the Low Fat CoinRecently
I featured a Web Site with conventional views on nutritionand health, and a recipe site with thousands of low-fat vegetarianmeals. Here's one with information that puts a question mark on lowfat theories. It's partially commercial, and will try to sell you onething or another, but it has many useful articles from medicaljournals contradicting conventional wisdom. Found at
3. CapturePad
A video capture utility that captures any screen activity into astandard AVI file, JPG sequence, or Flash SWF file. Also works withany video hardware attached to the computer so you can easily grab andsave a video from your webcam, tv tuner, etc. In Beta. Windows98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 729Kb. Found at
Without doubt, this brilliant softwarejust gets better and better. For business and home drawing. Ideal forflowcharts, diagrams, flyers, and presentations. 'Best BusinessProgram' PC Magazine. Free Download. Found at
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
SupaClip. Tudogs has around 400,000 page views amonth and 193,000 subscribers to this newsletter. I live in Cape TownSouth Africa, my server is in Florida, USA, I have some part timetechnical help but otherwise run it all myself. It would not bepossible without SupaClip, a text clipboard manager; my most usedapplication. With its category storage and rapid retrieval capabilityI have every piece of oft-used text at my fingertips. It costs $10.Try it. You'll like it. And money back if you don't. Windows95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 735Kb. http://www.hi5software.com/supaclip.php
Recent Finds
1. PopMan
A useful email client that lists all the emails on a mail serverwithout downloading. Unwanted emails may be deleted directly on theserver. One can use PopMan to check email accounts in the background;when new emails arrive the user is notified. One may read thetext-based content of emails whether in plain text or HTML, todetermine whether they contain useful information or not. Readingemails with PopMan is absolutly secure, because there is no threat ofexecuting dangerous code or being infected with viruses. One may replyand save emails directly from PopMan, or use the usual email client todownload those one wants to keep. I have switched to PopMan fromMailwasher - it doesn't have the blacklist feature but is much fasterif one receives many emails, as one may mark blocks for deletion.Available in English, German, and Spanish. Windows95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 610Kb. Found athttp://www.tudogs.com/email.php
2. burn4free
Burn data and audio from different file types - WAV, WMA, MP3, MP2,MP1 and OGG. Easy to use. Low cost burning; one may burn a CD/DVDwith only 2 clicks. Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP. Free. 1.4MB. Found at
3. FatFree
With the world entering a new round of high protein low carbohydratedieting - it happened in the 1950s with the Canadian Airforce diet, inthe 60s with the Drinking Man's Diet, and now with the re-discoveredAtkins diet - there are many who cry NO! So if you are interested inlow fat vegetarian recipes you'll find 4,667 of them here; and verytasty indeed. Found at http://www.tudogs.com/recipes.php
Mach5 Analyzer.
The fastest Web log analysissoftware available. Version 3 features the dynamic new HyperLinkTreeView, giving you an intuitive feel for your site traffic.Comprehensive, detailed visitor and session stats included.
Recent Finds
1. PopMan
A useful email client that lists all the emails on a mail serverwithout downloading. Unwanted emails may be deleted directly on theserver. One can use PopMan to check email accounts in the background;when new emails arrive the user is notified. One may read thetext-based content of emails whether in plain text or HTML, todetermine whether they contain useful information or not. Readingemails with PopMan is absolutly secure, because there is no threat ofexecuting dangerous code or being infected with viruses. One may replyand save emails directly from PopMan, or use the usual email client todownload those one wants to keep. I have switched to PopMan fromMailwasher - it doesn't have the blacklist feature but is much fasterif one receives many emails, as one may mark blocks for deletion.Available in English, German, and Spanish. Windows95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Free. 610Kb. Found athttp://www.tudogs.com/email.php
2. burn4free
Burn data and audio from different file types - WAV, WMA, MP3, MP2,MP1 and OGG. Easy to use. Low cost burning; one may burn a CD/DVDwith only 2 clicks. Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP. Free. 1.4MB. Found at
3. FatFree
With the world entering a new round of high protein low carbohydratedieting - it happened in the 1950s with the Canadian Airforce diet, inthe 60s with the Drinking Man's Diet, and now with the re-discoveredAtkins diet - there are many who cry NO! So if you are interested inlow fat vegetarian recipes you'll find 4,667 of them here; and verytasty indeed. Found at http://www.tudogs.com/recipes.php
Mach5 Analyzer.
The fastest Web log analysissoftware available. Version 3 features the dynamic new HyperLinkTreeView, giving you an intuitive feel for your site traffic.Comprehensive, detailed visitor and session stats included.
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